k, so here is the story how he is so lucky and why i am so pissed!
He got an iPod 80gb Video from Dubai(His friend relatives came from there and bought one with themselves)
So what would be the normal cost of an iPod Video 80gb
Like 200 GBP?(400 USD)
But this guy got it 4 what? just 75GBP
Are things in Dubai that cheap?
I asked him if he can get me a nano 4gb/8gb
and he said
4gb nano - 25 GBP
8gb nano - 35-40 GBP
And yes, i went 2 his house 2 check the iPod
I checked the manual book, ipod, ipod box and headphones.. it was all real things with that widescreen on his damn shining black ipod!
When i asked him if i can get one too, he said his friend's relatives will come back from Dubai in December now.
Is sh!t cheap in Dubai? How come?
I know Dubai is Duty-Free, but damn.. thats way too cheap!
Posted by
The Off Topic Discusser
6:57 AM
WHILE A LOT of people haven't got themselves fangled up for PCI Express yet, and AGP cards are still selling well, Intel told developers last week to be ready for PCI Express 2.
Ajay Bhatt and Ramin Neshati, who work at the Intel Corporation, divulged architectural extensions for PCIe II, with products expected in 2007-2008.
Features for PCI Express II include better formance at 5GHz PHY, device virtualisation, trusted platforms, and different sizes - or form factors as the jargon goes.
Luckily, you won't have to throw the baby out with the bathwater, because PCIe II will be compatible with PCIe 1.x, using the same power budget and the same clocking architecture. But the silicon cost will be cheaper, and so will the clocks
Intel discovered that systems are constrained by jitter and not voltage margins, and hitting the "jitter budget" is a fundamental requirement for version 2.0.
Five GHz devices have to operate at 2.5GT/s or 5.0GT/s. and the transmitter, receiver, reference clock and channel must all be 5GHz capable to get to that kind of performance.
The virtualisation feature will allow multiple OSes to run simultaneously and share the platform hardware resources, effectively sharing PCI Express devices.
OS improvements can lead to increased IO attacks on systems, so PCIe II will try and include better trusted computing. There will be a trusted configuration space, and a trusted configuration access mechanism will be included with modifications to the trusted platform module (TPM) to enable that.
Different sizes of devices will be included for wireless radios in the notebook lid. PCIe II may also include two distinct types of connector assemblies. µ
Posted by
The Off Topic Discusser
6:55 AM
How did they do that? [pics]
Posted by
The Off Topic Discusser
6:54 AM
I live in Brooklyn NewYork - Not lying - Mods can lookup my ip
Anyway - I live like 30 minutes from THE BIG APPLE - i Can take a train - Bus - Tunnel - Bridge -
Manhattan - What's so great about it? It's small too - Lots of street punks in gangs waiting to mug people - Police don't Do anything unless they are in a group and see the person -
Trust me - They can't catch real punks who make a run for it - most of the time the nypd is called for stupid problems -
My neighbor got 3 police cars sent to his house because of his Loud radio - LOL
Everyone talks about NewYork - It's OVER RATED
So does anyone here live in newyorK? Or has been to newyork - Discuss
Posted by
The Off Topic Discusser
6:51 AM