The show follows a fictional man simply called the Fonejacker, played by actor Kayvan Novak, who is a masked prank caller who calls unsuspecting members of the public as various characters, accompanied by on-screen animations, consisting of pictures of people with their mouths moving, in a similar style to Monty Python animations. Others are accompanied by undercover filming in which the Fonejacker is in a street calling a company nearby. He is always seen wearing a red and white balaclava (black in the Pilot) and sunglasses.
Whilst Kayvan Novak's appearance is not seen as the Fonejacker, he appears during Mr. Doovdé's calls as a model advertising various items including DVD players and for dfs.
Does anyone watch Fonejacker? its on E4 every Thursday i think (I download from here, dont watch on TV)
Its so funny lol, theres one man, and he does around 20 different voices and different sounds, and phones people up, people from the public, pretending to be different people, for example, from the bank, from an ISP (See In Sig LOL) Phone Providers, etc, and prank calls them...
Its quite hard to explain, but its hilarious lol, i reccomend watching it, theres eipsodes in tv series section here, only 3 aired so far, their all there.
Fonejacker MySpace: |
Fonecker Wiki: |
Anyone Watch This LOL?
(Previews On Youtube + Fonejacker MySpace If Anyone Wants To See)
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