k, so here is the story how he is so lucky and why i am so pissed!
He got an iPod 80gb Video from Dubai(His friend relatives came from there and bought one with themselves)
So what would be the normal cost of an iPod Video 80gb
Like 200 GBP?(400 USD)
But this guy got it 4 what? just 75GBP
Are things in Dubai that cheap?
I asked him if he can get me a nano 4gb/8gb
and he said
4gb nano - 25 GBP
8gb nano - 35-40 GBP
And yes, i went 2 his house 2 check the iPod
I checked the manual book, ipod, ipod box and headphones.. it was all real things with that widescreen on his damn shining black ipod!
When i asked him if i can get one too, he said his friend's relatives will come back from Dubai in December now.
Is sh!t cheap in Dubai? How come?
I know Dubai is Duty-Free, but damn.. thats way too cheap!
Posted by
The Off Topic Discusser
6:57 AM
WHILE A LOT of people haven't got themselves fangled up for PCI Express yet, and AGP cards are still selling well, Intel told developers last week to be ready for PCI Express 2.
Ajay Bhatt and Ramin Neshati, who work at the Intel Corporation, divulged architectural extensions for PCIe II, with products expected in 2007-2008.
Features for PCI Express II include better formance at 5GHz PHY, device virtualisation, trusted platforms, and different sizes - or form factors as the jargon goes.
Luckily, you won't have to throw the baby out with the bathwater, because PCIe II will be compatible with PCIe 1.x, using the same power budget and the same clocking architecture. But the silicon cost will be cheaper, and so will the clocks
Intel discovered that systems are constrained by jitter and not voltage margins, and hitting the "jitter budget" is a fundamental requirement for version 2.0.
Five GHz devices have to operate at 2.5GT/s or 5.0GT/s. and the transmitter, receiver, reference clock and channel must all be 5GHz capable to get to that kind of performance.
The virtualisation feature will allow multiple OSes to run simultaneously and share the platform hardware resources, effectively sharing PCI Express devices.
OS improvements can lead to increased IO attacks on systems, so PCIe II will try and include better trusted computing. There will be a trusted configuration space, and a trusted configuration access mechanism will be included with modifications to the trusted platform module (TPM) to enable that.
Different sizes of devices will be included for wireless radios in the notebook lid. PCIe II may also include two distinct types of connector assemblies. µ
Posted by
The Off Topic Discusser
6:55 AM
How did they do that? [pics]
Posted by
The Off Topic Discusser
6:54 AM
I live in Brooklyn NewYork - Not lying - Mods can lookup my ip
Anyway - I live like 30 minutes from THE BIG APPLE - i Can take a train - Bus - Tunnel - Bridge -
Manhattan - What's so great about it? It's small too - Lots of street punks in gangs waiting to mug people - Police don't Do anything unless they are in a group and see the person -
Trust me - They can't catch real punks who make a run for it - most of the time the nypd is called for stupid problems -
My neighbor got 3 police cars sent to his house because of his Loud radio - LOL
Everyone talks about NewYork - It's OVER RATED
So does anyone here live in newyorK? Or has been to newyork - Discuss
Posted by
The Off Topic Discusser
6:51 AM
The hovercraft is named M200G and built by Moller International of Davis, CA. Its movement is determined by the downdraft of eight small
but powerful rotary engines.
"The craft can carry a payload of 112 kg (250 pounds) and is stabilized by a computer system," explained Moller spokesman Bruce Calkins.
A joystick is employed for steering and the desired altitude (determined with proximity radar) is set with a lever.
"The 10-foot maximum altitude is constrained by the system's computer—it could fly much higher but doing so would require a pilot's license. I don't know exactly who will adopt it first, but the likeliest users are those who are unable to go out and use the land they may already own, because it's a rocky seashore, a swamp, or a bog, with obstructions that would prevent a hovercraft from working," Calkins said.
A standard hovercraft presents a skirt around the bottom and the air pocket can be lost over uneven surfaces. The new hovercraft can consume gasoline but also a combination of ethanol and water, so that it can be environmentally friendly. Still, it requires a lot of fuel.
"With a top speed of about 50 mph (80kmph) it can travel for about an hour, but will consume about 40 gallons (150 l) of fuel during that trip. The craft also emits an earsplitting 85 decibels. With mufflers, Moller eventually hopes to reduce the noise level to a more moderate 65 decibels," said Calkins.
Six demo models will be built by Moller during the next 12 months and then approximately 40 during the following 12 months and the total production could reach 200 to 250 per year thereafter.
I don't know about you guys but $90,000 is a little too much for me. But then again maybe its not too much for a flying saucer.
Posted by
The Off Topic Discusser
6:51 AM
IT was supposed to be the one speed limit you could not break.
But scientists claim to have demonstrated there is the possibility of travel faster than the speed of light.
The feat contradicts one of the key tenets of Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity - that nothing, under any circumstances, can move faster than 300,000km a second, or the speed of light.
Travelling faster than light also, in theory, turns back time.
According to conventional physics, a person moving beyond light speed would arrive at his destination before leaving.
But two German physicists claim to have forced light to overcome its own speed limit using the phenomenon of quantum tunnelling.
Their experiments focused on the travel of microwave photons - energetic packets of light - through two prisms.
When the prisms were moved apart, most photons reflected off the first prism they encountered and were picked up by a detector.
But a few appeared to "tunnel" through a gap separating them as if the prisms were still held together.
Although these photons had traveled a longer distance, they arrived at their detector at the same time as the reflected photons.
This suggests the transit between the two prisms was faster than the speed of light.
Dr Gunter Nimtz, of the University of Koblenz, told the magazine New Scientist: "For the time being, this is the only violation of special relativity that I know of."
Posted by
The Off Topic Discusser
6:49 AM
IT was supposed to be the one speed limit you could not break.
But scientists claim to have demonstrated there is the possibility of travel faster than the speed of light.
The feat contradicts one of the key tenets of Albert Einstein's special theory of relativity - that nothing, under any circumstances, can move faster than 300,000km a second, or the speed of light.
Travelling faster than light also, in theory, turns back time.
According to conventional physics, a person moving beyond light speed would arrive at his destination before leaving.
But two German physicists claim to have forced light to overcome its own speed limit using the phenomenon of quantum tunnelling.
Their experiments focused on the travel of microwave photons - energetic packets of light - through two prisms.
When the prisms were moved apart, most photons reflected off the first prism they encountered and were picked up by a detector.
But a few appeared to "tunnel" through a gap separating them as if the prisms were still held together.
Although these photons had traveled a longer distance, they arrived at their detector at the same time as the reflected photons.
This suggests the transit between the two prisms was faster than the speed of light.
Dr Gunter Nimtz, of the University of Koblenz, told the magazine New Scientist: "For the time being, this is the only violation of special relativity that I know of."
Posted by
The Off Topic Discusser
6:49 AM
Artists sure make use of the oddest of material in their art creations. Pictured here is a chandelier hanging in the Arsenale during the 2005 Venice Beinalle (An art exhibition). .
Posted by
The Off Topic Discusser
8:41 PM
There is a online game (mmo) called Last Chaos and there is a stupid Game Master called SusanRev she bans dedicated players for saying there opinion I would recommend no wasting anytime playing this game as you get so far and then the silly cow will ban you for no reason - I've spent countless hours trying to lvl my character and now its all gone - I would recommend giving this game a miss I just thought that I should warn all of you first.
Posted by
The Off Topic Discusser
8:40 PM
Thats the world second 7 star hotel in Pakistan, Islamabad
i think my 3 months job will get 1 night in there
The Centaurus consists of 6.59 acres of architectural brilliance in the heart of Islamabad - Pakistan. It is under construction on the most expensive plot in the history of Pakistan and designed by ATKINS, which has a solid reputation in the creation of stunning buildings like the awe inspiring Burj-ul-Arab, Jumeirah Beach Hotel, Twisting Tower, 21st Century Tower etc. The Centaurus is a living day wonder. The Centaurus consists of 7 Star Hotel, Corporate Complex, Two Residencial Towers and International Standard Shopping Mall. It can bear up to 9.5 Magnitude Earth Quake and will be completed by 2010. ![]() ![]() ![]() Looks Awesome! Wonder if i will be able to afford it LOL! |
Posted by
The Off Topic Discusser
8:40 PM
The show follows a fictional man simply called the Fonejacker, played by actor Kayvan Novak, who is a masked prank caller who calls unsuspecting members of the public as various characters, accompanied by on-screen animations, consisting of pictures of people with their mouths moving, in a similar style to Monty Python animations. Others are accompanied by undercover filming in which the Fonejacker is in a street calling a company nearby. He is always seen wearing a red and white balaclava (black in the Pilot) and sunglasses.
Whilst Kayvan Novak's appearance is not seen as the Fonejacker, he appears during Mr. Doovdé's calls as a model advertising various items including DVD players and for dfs.
Does anyone watch Fonejacker? its on E4 every Thursday i think (I download from here, dont watch on TV)
Its so funny lol, theres one man, and he does around 20 different voices and different sounds, and phones people up, people from the public, pretending to be different people, for example, from the bank, from an ISP (See In Sig LOL) Phone Providers, etc, and prank calls them...
Its quite hard to explain, but its hilarious lol, i reccomend watching it, theres eipsodes in tv series section here, only 3 aired so far, their all there.
Fonejacker MySpace:
http://www.myspace.com/thefonejacker |
http://www.myspace.com/thefonejacker |
Posted by
The Off Topic Discusser
8:39 PM
Goat eats 10,000 Euros
A German farmer lost 10,000 Euros when it was eaten by his goat.
But he got it back after having a vet carry out emergency surgery to recover the cash.
Martin Radlberger, 34, from Rosenheim in Germany left the 100 Euro notes that he planned to use to buy a tractor on the kitchen table when he went to answer the phone.
But when he returned he saw his nanny goat Steffi just finishing off the last crisp new note.
He said: "I know I shouldn't have left the cash on the table, but I was only gone for five minutes to answer a phone call. When I returned I saw how my goat had the last note in her mouth."
Radlberger immediately called a vet who performed an emergency operation on the animal.
"Now I have almost all my money back, and Steffi has had a hard lesson" the farmer says, adding that the vet had kept three of the soggy 100 Euro notes to pay for the surgery.
Posted by
The Off Topic Discusser
8:39 PM
Posted by
The Off Topic Discusser
8:37 PM
Dubai in 1990
The same street in 2003
Dubai is said to currently have 15-25% of all the world's cranes.
The Dubai Waterfront. When completed it will become the largest waterfront development in the world
The Palm Islands in Dubai. New Dutch dredging technology was used to create these massive man made islands. They are the largest artificial islands in the world and can be seen from space. Three of these Palms will be made with the last one being the largest of them all.
Upon completion, the resort will have 2,000 villas, 40 luxury hotels, shopping centers, movie theaters, and many other facilities. It is expected to support a population of approximately 500,000 people. It is advertised as being visible from the moon.
The World Islands. 300 artificially created islands in the shape of the world. Each island will have an estimated cost of $25-30 million.
The Burj al-Arab hotel in Dubai. The worlds tallest hotel. Considered the only '7 star' hotel and the most luxurious hotel in the world. It stands on an artificial island in the sea
Hydropolis, the world's first underwater hotel. Entirely built in Germany and then assembled in Dubai, it is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2006.
The Burj Dubai. Construction began in 2005 and is expected to be complete by 2008. At an estimated height of over 800 meters, it will easily the be world's tallest building when finished. It will be almost 40% taller than the the current tallest building, the Taipei 101.
This is what downtown Dubai will look like around 2008-2009. Fifty stories (around 190 meters) of the Burj Dubai have already been completed.
The Al Burj. This will be the centerpiece of the Dubai Waterfront. Upon completion it will rival The Burj Dubai for the title of tallest building in the world.
The exact height of the building is being kept strictly confidential for reasons of competition. Since the Al Burj and Burj Dubai are both striving to become the world's tallest building, it is rumored that the Al Burj will be built a little higher since the Burj Dubai will be completed first.
The Burj al Alam, or The World Tower. Upon completion it will rank as the world's highest hotel. It is expected to be finished by 2009.
At 480 meters it will only be 28 meters shorter than the Taipei 101.
Dubailand. Currently, the largest amusement park collection in the world is Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, which is also the largest single-site employer in the United states with 58,000 employees. Dubailand will be twice the size.
Dubailand will be built on 3 billion square feet (107 miles^2) at an estimated $20 billion price tag. The site will include a purported 45 mega projects and 200 hundred other smaller projects.
Dubai Sports City. A huge collection of sports arenas located in Dubailand.
Currently, the Walt Disney World Resort is the #1 tourist destination in the world. Once fully completed, Dubailand will easily take over that title since it is expected to attract 200,000 visitors daily.
Ocean Heights and The Princess Tower, two huge luxury condominium and apartment towers to be built on the Dubai Marina. At over 100 stories tall, The Princess Tower will become the largest residential building in the world after construction is done.
The Dubai Marina is an entirely man made development that will contain over 200 highrise buildings when finished. It will be home to some of the tallest residential structures in the world. The completed first phase of the project is shown. Most of the other high rise buildings will be finished by 2008.
The Dubai Mall will be the largest shopping mall in the world with over 9 million square feet of shopping and around 1000 stores. It will be completed in 2008.
Ski Dubai, which is already open, is the largest indoor skiing facility in the world.
Some of the tallest buildings in the world will line the Dubai Marina.
The UAE Spaceport would be the first spaceport in the world if construction ever gets under way. All right this is getting a bit ridiculous.
Some other other crazy facts... *
The Dubai Metro system, once completed, will become the largest fully automated rail system in the world.
The Dubai World Central International Airport will become the largest airport in size when it is completed. It will also eventually become the busiest airport in the world, based on passenger volume.
There are more construction workers in Dubai than there are actual citizens (although Dubai does has a 80% expatriate population).
Posted by
The Off Topic Discusser
7:11 PM